La Gran Aventura Day 35: Grandmas

Sunday, January 14, 2024

This morning we went to church with Lamon and his family. It was a good day. River was not thrilled about going to primary, but she stuck it out and did pretty well by the end. Kimball and Ian were able to help administer the sacrament. It was Ian’s first time passing. He did a great job. I’m grateful they let him do it in this ward.

After church, I spent a nice and quiet afternoon blogging.

After that, we went to visit Grandma Neubert. She lives down in Jamestown, and she’s just the best. She and I have been good friends for many years, and I try to call her every week to chat. When we got there, she was practicing the piano and singing to herself. She started singing a song that I had never heard, but then she got to the chorus and started up with:

“Waste not, want not is the maxim I would teach.”

It’s a song my mother taught me when I was in homeschool, so I started singing with her:

“Let your conscience be your guide, and practice what you preach. Do not let your chances, like sunbeams pass you by. For you never miss the water ‘till the well runs dry.”

When we finished she was so surprised that I had known that song. It was such a fun moment.

We spent some time asking Grandma questions like: did she know any of the pioneers? (yes) and which prophets had she met? (David O. McKay and Grandpa Kimball). It was a fun visit.

Then she gave the kids their Christmas present -- beach towels :)

After a bit we came home and had dinner and played card games with Grandpa. For dinner we had Grandma Mack enchiladas, which I always thought were unique to our family, but apparently they came from the Mormon colonies in northern Mexico. They are made by dipping a corn tortilla in a kind of tomato-soupy sauce. Then you put shredded cabbage and cheddar cheese on top of that tortilla and then put another dipped tortilla on top of that. And it’s all topped off with a dippy fried egg. I love them, and many people in our family do as well. Alicia is not an egg-lover, but she did her best with it.

Then Lamon and his family came over, and we watched The Way. It’s a film with Martin Sheen that’s about the Camino de Santiago. I higly recommend it.